The design of a cattle and pig farm requires serious study on a few key points. The analysis must be based on financial possibilities. The idea of location is then introduced. Finally, we do not neglect what mainly concerns the feeding of these domestic animals.

The normative constituents of cattle and pig feedstuffs

To have a good performance, it is necessary to know how to design animal nutrition from the various components of livestock feed, exclusively pig feed. It must contain mainly minerals and vitamins. These two elements improve production and reproduction, as well as calving and even the immunity of cattle and pigs. Other components worthy of mention are phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. Livestock audits concern above all the monitoring of the accounts corresponding to these products. Phosphorus has an impact on the development of the animal's skeleton, growth and milk production. Calcium develops muscle and blood function and maintains the components of milk. Finally, magnesium takes care of energy and muscle metabolism. In addition, sodium ensures nerve and blood flow. It recovers the loss of appetite in case of deficiency. All these products must be found in the breeding centres, or at the veterinarian's, just like poultry feed.

Feeding pigs

Being "omnivorous", the pig's organism adapts to any product of animal or plant origin. In principle, French pig farms use plant products known for their nutritional qualities in their feeds. These products are presented in the form of flour or granules. Cereals, oils and minerals are the fundamental basis of their feed. Because their stomachs are small, they need to eat several meals during the day. At birth, piglets must consume colostrum, which provides them with the antibody that guarantees their survival in the beginning. At weaning, its feed is a mixture of milk powder with wheat and cereals. In addition, the pig is also interested in products that have been abandoned and are not used by food companies, but are still clean. These include oil cakes, broken products such as bread, rice, semolina and cereal bran. All these elements make up the raw materials for pork.

Cattle feed

Feeding cattle requires a good dietary balance. Its daily ration must be respected if a good yield is to be expected. The requirement is both qualitative and quantitative. Some advice deserves to be analysed in order to understand the concept of a balanced diet. Fodder must be the main basis for cattle feed. There are several types of fodder: more or less dried fodder, dry fodder, green fodder, harvested fodder, silage fodder and dry fodder. In order to be able to hope for a tangible result in terms of the growth of the animal, every farmer must design a cattle feed with a very sufficient quantity of these fodder types, according to the types listed above and taken as bovine raw materials. If we try to put this into practice to some extent, 80% of the feed consists of this fodder. Nevertheless, consumption is not at all sufficient, to the point where the dietary deficiency is still increasing without the intervention of the dietary supplements consisting of vitamin, energy and protein components. Finally, 100 litres of water help the animal to face a good digestion. Beef still needs bovine minerals, which can be found in livestock shops or at the veterinarian's, as a supplement to the feed.